Ontario Liberals introduce SMART ideas to improve transportation, housing across the province

QUEEN’S PARK – Today, Andrea Hazell, MPP for Scarborough–Guildwood and the Ontario Liberal Critic for Transportation, will introduce the Supporting…

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Ottawa Deal Falls Short; Ottawa Still Wants In

“Once again Ottawa treated like poor cousin of Toronto”: Blais  OTTAWA — Today’s so-called “new deal” for the City of…

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Ford’s Stunts and Political Theatre is Hurting Ontario Families

QUEEN’S PARK – Following an unambitious do-nothing budget, Ontario’s Liberals are holding Doug Ford accountable for spending all his time,…

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Ford’s Do-Nothing Budget Leaves Families Behind, Benefits Wealthy Conservative Insiders

Never Has a Government Spent so Much to Accomplish so Little QUEEN’S PARK, ON – Ontario’s Liberals are slamming the…

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Ontario Liberals Tap Proven Leader and Strong Community Advocate as Ontario Liberal Candidate

MILTON, ON – Galen Naidoo Harris, a community leader who has spent years serving the residents of Milton, is the…

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NIMBY Tories Won’t Build the Housing Ontario Needs: Bonnie Crombie

TORONTO, ON – Bonnie Crombie, Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, released the following statement in response to Doug Ford…

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Ontario Liberals Share Demands Ahead of 2024-25 Budget

QUEEN’S PARK, ON – Today, Ontario Liberal Finance Critic, Stephanie Bowman, sent a letter to Minister Bethlenfalvy sharing demands —…

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Ontario Liberals to Keep Kids Active and Provide Pocketbook Relief

New tax credit will make it more affordable to put kids in sports and extracurricular activities QUEEN’S PARK, ON –…

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Ontario Liberals Propose Ambitious Legislation to Build Towards Housing Affordability

Legislation is the first in a series that accelerates housing supply and eliminates barriers to advancing gentle density provincewide QUEEN’S…

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