“Doug Ford and his Conservative government have shown they do not care about real people in Ontario. It’s time to earn back the trust of our neighbours and to show that a government people can trust is an Ontario Liberal government. That’s the job ahead of us. Let’s get to work.”
— Bonnie Crombie

Meet Bonnie

Bonnie Crombie is the Leader of Ontario’s Liberals.

Bonnie’s life story is proof that hard work should pay off and that, in Ontario, anything is possible. Her Polish mother and grandparents taught her the values of hard work and community.

A successful business leader and entrepreneur, Bonnie is also a proud mother of three.

As Mayor of Mississauga, Bonnie implemented a progressive vision to build a thriving city and to carefully manage the budget. She was elected three times in landslide victories. Bonnie also served as an MP and city councillor.

Bonnie’s seen first-hand how prosperous Ontario is supposed to be and how it’s no longer measuring up. It’s time to make life more affordable, fix health care and get our kids’ education on track.

Bonnie has a record of working hard to make sure her constituents can live a better life — that is exactly what she will do as our next Premier.

Contact Bonnie

You can email Bonnie’s office at: [email protected]