Statement from the Ontario Women’s Liberal Commission on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

The official ruling from the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade has sent ripple effects of anger, disbelief, and…

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Ontario Liberal Caucus Outlines Priorities for Upcoming Legislative Session

QUEEN’S PARK – Today, Premier Ford introduced his new Cabinet. We would like to congratulate all those who have been…

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It’s time to choose.

ONTARIO – With only hours left until voters make their decision at the ballot box, it has never been clearer…

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Stop Doug Ford’s healthcare privatization

OAKVILLE – With just two days left in the election, it’s clear that only Ontario Liberals can stop Doug Ford….

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Statement from Steven Del Duca on Bill C-21

Steven Del Duca, Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, issued the following statement regarding the tabling of new federal firearms…

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Stop Doug Ford’s cuts to education

EAST YORK – With just 3 days left in the election, it’s clear that only Ontario Liberals can stop Doug…

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Liberals Will Launch Independent Review into Windsor’s Energy Shortage

WINDSOR – Steven Del Duca pledged to get to the bottom of the Ford Conservative’s energy cuts and failures which…

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Ontario Liberals will ban handguns

ETOBICOKE—LAKESHORE – Steven Del Duca joined a group of community activists to champion the Ontario Liberal plan to ban handguns…

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The Conservatives want every household to pay nearly $2,000 to build Highway 413 for their land speculating donors

MISSISSAUGA – Steven Del Duca was in Mississauga today to shine a light on the staggering $10 billion cost of…

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