OLP Provincial Council – September 29th

As you may know, our caucus and our party executive have been working hard over the summer to organize the special Provincial Council taking place in Toronto on September 29th.

This day-long event is open to all interested Ontario Liberals. It is an opportunity to come together, pose the tough questions that need to be asked, and begin to chart our way forward. I am reaching out today to you, the grassroots of our party to encourage you to attend – and to encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.

Delegate fees are $50 for youth and seniors – Register Here.

Regular fees are $75 – Register Here.

I consider it a great honour and privilege to have been chosen to serve as the Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. My most immediate goal is to bring our Liberal family together and begin our renewal.

We cannot do it without you – our grassroots volunteers – the very backbone of our party.

The challenge before us is indeed great, but so is the opportunity.

To begin our work together, this special Provincial Council will include:

A report back from our Summer Task Force on party revitalization
A fulsome Q&A and Campaign Debrief from members of the campaign team
Various break-out sessions
An address from the Interim Leader
Coming together in this way is a crucial part of building our future and I am asking all interested Liberals to participate. We cannot begin to move forward without you. I ask that you join us in taking this important first step towards our future.

Your commitment to our party is what makes us strong. It is why the Ontario Liberal Party has endured for 160 years and it is why it will be a defining political institution for years to come. Renewing our party is not only something we owe ourselves. We owe it to Ontarians. I look forward to seeing you on the 29th!

John Fraser
Interim Leader

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