Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Regional Vice-President, Central East

The position of Regional Vice President – Central East Region has recently become vacant. On behalf of the Executive Council and all members, please join us in thanking Richard Lloyd for his many years of service and dedication to our Party.

The OLP Constitution requires the remaining members of Executive Council to appoint a new Regional Vice-President, Central East. Applications to fill this position are currently being accepted for a period of three weeks.

Any member of the Party who wishes to be considered to fill the vacancy must provide a notice of their candidacy to OLP Secretary Ryan Singh via email ([email protected]), by May 15th, 2020. Please note you must be a member in good standing of an association within the Central East Region to be eligible. For a list of ridings in Central East, click here.

Notices received by May 15 will be considered, however, the Executive Council is not limited to the consideration only of notices so received, and may, in its discretion, appoint any member in good standing of the Ontario Liberal Party from the Central East Region to fill this office.

Independent investigation launched into Doug Ford’s sketchy boozedoggle

TORONTO, ON — In response to an Ontario Liberal request, the Financial Accountability Officer is launching an investigation into Ford’s…

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Tay Valley Township Reeve and Community Leader Rob Rainer Nominated as Candidate in Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston

TAY VALLEY, ON – Rob Rainer, Reeve of Tay Valley Township and has led numerous not-for-profit organizations, has been officially…

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Ford Resorts to Lying about Crombie

TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Liberal Press Office today released the following statement: “Doug Ford is running scared and resorting…

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