Notice of Annual General Meeting Scarborough Southwest Provincial Liberal Association

Notice of Annual General Meeting
Scarborough Southwest Provincial Liberal Association
NOTICE is hereby given of a meeting of the
Scarborough Southwest Provincial Liberal Association
to elect the Executive Officers and to conduct the annual business of the Association.
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
Time: 7:00PM
Municipal Address:  West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre, 313 Pharmacy Avenue, Scarborough, ON, M1L 3E7


Elections will take place for the following positions on the Scarborough Southwest Provincial Liberal Association:

  1. a) President
  2. b) Executive Vice-President
  3. c) Treasurer
  4. d) Secretary
  5. e) Directors (10)

Those interested in standing for the above positions shall submit their intention to stand by Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 to the OLP Secretary. Letters should be sent by fax to 1-416-323-9425 or by email to [email protected] with the subject line “Intention to Stand – Scarborough Southwest”.

Those Qualified to Vote

  1. Residents of the electoral district who are members 168 hours prior to the above-stated starting time of the meeting.
  2. Non-residents of the electoral district who were members prior to November 16, 2016 and remain current members 168 hours prior to the above-stated starting time of the meeting

Other Information

  1. Minimum age for membership: 14 years
  2. Membership Dues (two year membership minimum) at the rate of $10.00/year or $5.00/year for youth or seniors
  3. You will need to produce identification with your address in order to vote. Please bring photo ID with your current address to the meeting.

Rules to Stand for a Position on Provincial Liberal Association Executive

  1. A person must file a notice of intention with the Secretary of the Ontario Liberal Party at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting in order to be eligible for nomination as a candidate for an Executive position.
  2. The notice of a candidate’s intention to be a candidate shall be submitted in writing and indicate the specific position for which they wish to stand.
  3. In order to be eligible to file a notice of intention, an individual must be a current member at the time of the filing of the notice.

For further information please contact:

Ontario Liberal Party President
Brian Johns
Email: [email protected]

Ontario Liberal Party Vice-President GTA East
Ferd Longo
Email: [email protected]

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