Ford Conservatives’ Cuts and Broken Promises Prove They Can’t be Trusted to Protect and Improve Public Healthcare

TORONTO — Doug Ford’s Conservatives broke their promise to lower wait times and hospital overcrowding shortly after being elected when they moved aggressively to cut a number of key healthcare programs. Like all Conservative governments in non-election years, they put healthcare cuts and privatization ahead of caring for those in need. This time, those cuts made the pandemic worse.

“Doug Ford’s Conservatives have spent their four years chipping away at our healthcare services and healthcare workers in a bid to privatize healthcare,” said Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca. “They said they wouldn’t make cuts, and even said they would shorten wait times, but under their watch our hospitals and nursing homes were crushed by staffing shortages and deep cuts to LTC inspections.”

“Recently, Conservative Health Minister Elliott spoke openly about the need for greater for-profit private involvement, including private hospitals, in the delivery of essential health services. Now, more than ever, we need to stop the Conservative healthcare privatization plan,” Del Duca added.

Doug Ford’s Conservatives made the following healthcare cuts since 2018:


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