Tele Town Hall with Steven Del Duca on Education

Tele-conference By phone

Monday, September 14, 2020

8:00 PM


In the next 2 weeks, 2 million students and education workers across Ontario are heading back-to-school in the midst of confusion, changing class sizes and concerns for what is waiting for them this fall.

Steven has been sharing updates with members all summer about the Ontario Liberal Students in Schools Action Plan, and the flaws in Doug Ford’s plan. 

We’re hosting a tele-town hall with members of the Ontario Liberal Party to hear your feedback on our education plan, the approach we’ve taken when holding Ford accountable, and what we should be doing as an opposition party while schools re-open. 

Just as Steven has done with front line education workers and parents across Ontario, he believes consulting with party members, will help him hold Doug Ford accountable in the most effective way possible. 

Registration for the tele-town hall will be by phone call, so please expect a call from Steven in the coming days asking you to participate if you’re a member. Join us on September 14th, 2020 at 8PM!

We look forward to hearing from all of you!