Doug Ford’s Conservatives Forced to Back Down on Deregulating Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

QUEEN’S PARK – In the face of growing pressure from impacted communities and the Ontario Liberal Party, Doug Ford’s Conservatives have finally backed down from their deregulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Steven Del Duca, Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, says it’s also time for Doug Ford to come clear on the real reasons for his attack on this profession.

“As I revealed this weekend, the reasons Doug Ford gave never made any sense. His actions today prove that he was either dishonest or incompetent in making this decision in the first place,” stated Del Duca. “What we still don’t know is who Doug Ford was actually looking to benefit or why he did this in the first place.”

“Doug Ford’s first instincts and actions are almost always wrong,” added Del Duca. “Time and time again, Doug Ford listens to the wrong people’s bad advice. Had he asked those who practice TCM and Acupuncture, he would know how dangerous and reckless this deregulation was.”

Del Duca spoke alongside two TCM and Acupuncture experts, Dylan Kirk and Dr. Danny Li who were both outraged by Doug Ford’s Bill 88, Schedule 5. When the news broke that their pressure forced Doug Ford’s Conservatives to back down, Del Duca joined the rally of TCM and Acupuncture supporters in front of Queen’s Park to celebrate the defeat of Schedule 5.

“This victory is yours,” Del Duca stated. “You made your voices heard loud and clear that Doug Ford and his Conservatives would not be able to trample over your profession. Together, we need to keep fighting to prevent any future attacks on TCM and Acupuncture from Ford’s Conservatives.”


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