Nathalie Des Rosiers, MPP for Ottawa – Vanier, Responds to Minister Phillips’ Announcement

TORONTO – MPP Des Rosiers released the following statement following Minister Phillips’ announcement: “The protection of species at risk is…

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Provincial Council Approves Changes to Regional Boundaries

On March 31, 2019, the Provincial Council of the Ontario Liberal Party unanimously ratified an update to the composition of…

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Nathalie Des Rosiers calls for Significant Changes to Election Finance Oversight Laws in Ontario

TORONTO – Nathalie Des Rosiers, MPP for Ottawa – Vanier, released the following statement: “Ontarians need to be confident that…

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Statement from John Fraser re: Terrorist attack in New Zealand

I was devastated to learn of the terrorist attack at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Everyone has the right…

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Mitzie Hunter’s Q1 2019 Fiscal update

Click here to see Mitzie Hunter’s Q1 2019 Fiscal update

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Provincial Council Webinar March 31

We are pleased to inform you that the date for the next Provincial Council has been set for Sunday, March…

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Hold These Dates! Ontario Liberal Party AGM June 7-9 in Mississauga

The Ontario Liberal Party is pleased to announce that our Annual General Meeting will be June 7-9 at the International…

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New Interim Director of Membership

Hello fellow Liberals, I am pleased to announce that the Executive Council has appointed Jordan Chevalier as the new Interim…

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Interim Leader John Fraser, MPP for Ottawa – South, responds to Rueben Devlin’s Report on Healthcare

Our healthcare system affects all Ontarians, and is one thing that people depend on most. I welcome the report from…

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