Del Duca: Out of Touch Ford Betrays Workers Again

This morning, Steven Del Duca, Ontario Liberal Party leader, called out the Ford government for their plan to reduce the number of statutory holidays for workers in Ontario from nine to three.

“We’re not even out of this pandemic and Doug Ford is already back to his true self. He’s already taken away their sick days and now he wants to take away their holidays”, Del Duca stated.

The news that Doug Ford plans to take statutory holidays away from essential front-line workers, comes at the same time big box chains move to cut the extra wages they were paying during COVID-19.

“Over the last few months it’s become crystal clear who essential workers in Ontario were. We understand that businesses need help right now, but as Liberals, we don’t believe that this should be at the expense of front-line workers. We believe in supporting essential workers and businesses, not pitting one against the other”, Del Duca remarked.

“It’s disappointing that the Premier, who has been praising front-line workers for being heroes, is now planning to cut their holidays by more than half. It’s a betrayal to the women and men who’ve done so much during the pandemic”, said Del Duca.

This latest move follows other anti-worker and deregulation policies, such as Ford’s plan to bring in legal immunity for corporations facing COVID-19 lawsuits, weakening class-action suits and ending in-person inspections of foster homes and long-term care.

Champion of Local Small Businesses Andrea Hazell Nominated as Ontario Liberal Candidate in Scarborough—Guildwood

TORONTO, ON – Andrea Hazell, MPP for Scarborough—Guildwood and Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) critic for Transportation, Multiculturalism and Women’s Issues,…

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Statement on July 17, 2024 FAO Q4 Expenditure Report

QUEEN’S PARK, ON — Stephanie Bowman, MPP for Don Valley West and Ontario Liberal Finance Critic, has released the following…

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Crombie Calls for LCBO Chair to Resign Over Close Ties to Doug Ford

TORONTO, ON – Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals, released the following statement: “It has become clear that the LCBO…

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