Salam Walekum!
Today is the first night of Ramadan.
At Iftar dinners across Ontario tonight families will gather, in person and virtually, to break the fast at Sundown.
I know this year Ramadan celebrations will be different. But it’s important we eat, pray and worship with physical distancing to keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.
Ontario’s Muslim community is vibrant, engaged and prosperous. I hope we can take some time today to remember the many accomplishments of our Muslim community.
Ramadan is a time to reflect on values central to the Muslim faith like generosity and compassion.
Across Ontario right now Muslims are showing what that means by supporting food banks, pioneering charities and helping those who need it the most. Many Muslims are essential workers and give no second thought to fasting and working during a time when we need them the most.
On behalf of the Ontario Liberal Party I want to wish you a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.
Ramadan Mubarak!