Statement from MPP Shamji on the Closure of the Science Centre

TORONTO, ON – Dr. Adil Shamji, MPP for Don Valley East, has released the following statement in response to news of the Ontario Science Centre’s immediate closure:

“Just like with our hospitals and schools, Doug Ford has neglected the Ontario Science Centre to justify his grand plans to enrich his friends and insiders.

In this case, moving it to Ontario Place so that he can fulfill his $600 million taxpayer-funded contract with a foreign corporation to build a mega parking garage and luxury spa.

If Doug Ford really cared about the families in Don Valley East and throughout Ontario who rely on the Science Centre—such as the kids who were set to attend the school camps slated to begin in just a few weeks—he would have taken the necessary steps to keep it from closing.

In Doug Ford’s own business case, which he overpaid for using $1 million of taxpayer-payer money, there was no indication that the state of the roof was in any way compromised, and all of a sudden, we are supposed to believe it is at imminent risk of collapse the same year he wants to move it to Ontario Place to subsidize a $600 million mega-garage for an Austrian spa corporation?

Everything about this feels wrong, and Ontario’s Liberals are determined to get to the bottom of this scandal.”

MPP and Former School Board Trustee Lucille Collard Nominated as Ontario Liberal Candidate in Ottawa—Vanier

OTTAWA, ON – Lucille Collard, MPP for Ottawa—Vanier and Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) critic for Justice Issues and Francophone Issues,…

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Ontario’s Liberals Ready to Take on Ford’s Conservatives

LONDON, ON – Today, at the Ontario Liberal Party’s (OLP) Annual Meeting and Policy Conference, Leader Bonnie Crombie presented her…

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Booze, Bike Lanes, and Buddies

TORONTO, ON — Today, Doug Ford, revealed his latest obsession: bike lanes. This follows a summer of handouts to Conservative…

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