Statement from MPP Michael Coteau, Ontario Liberal Party Labour Critic

Yesterday, I asked Doug Ford whether he believed that workers in Ontario deserved
at least two paid sick days per year. He confirmed that his Conservative government
will be “getting rid” of Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act , and that two
paid sick days was simply too much.

This Act is about fairness and decency in Ontario. The reforms brought in under the
previous Liberal government were meant to help workers without job security and
allow for more predictable scheduling hours. Premier Ford talks a good game about
standing up for the little guy and the people of Ontario, but his actions tell another

Getting rid of the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act will mean less protections for
workers, including the elimination of equal pay for equal work, fairer scheduling rules
including pay for shifts cancelled on short notice, a minimum of three weeks vacation
after five years with the same employer and personal emergency leave for all

I urge people across the province to call their local MPP, to call Doug Ford, and to
tell them that Ontario workers, who have built this province up, deserve fairness and
decent workplace protections.

Ford Resorts to Lying about Crombie

TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Liberal Press Office today released the following statement: “Doug Ford is running scared and resorting…

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Ontario Families Pay $1,000,000,000 to Doug Ford’s Buddies

TORONTO, ON — Today, Doug Ford locked in his $1,000,000,000 government hand-out to multinational brewers, big grocers, and international convenience…

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Dedicated Community Advocate & Financial Leader Alison Gohel Nominated as Oakville Candidate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 28, 2024 OAKVILLE, ON – Alison Gohel, a dedicated community advocate and financial leader, has been…

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