Revitalized Executive Council working hard to rebuild the Ontario Liberal Party

On June 7th, Ontario voters sent us a clear message—one that we must accept with humility and a commitment to do better. We will meet that commitment by rebuilding our party; riding by riding, meeting by meeting, door by door and dollar by dollar.

For the past nine months, in fact, that is what we have been doing.

Part of this process is having a full complement of volunteers on Executive Council to lead the rebuilding effort.

Since June, Executive Council has voted to appoint two people to fill gaps at the regional level: Justin Falconer as our Regional Vice President, Southwestern Region, and Ferd Longo as our Regional Vice President, GTA East.

Justin has been a southwestern Ontario Liberal for nearly 20 years. Residing in Windsor with his wife and two kids, he grew up in Waterloo Region, worked in Guelph, and spent many youthful summers in Sauble Beach.

Justin has deep experience in the southwest going back to the year 2000 at the municipal, provincial and federal level, including acting as Premier McGuinty’s Senior Advisor for the region.

As Regional Vice President, Justin wants to help Liberal riding associations in the southwest be in the best possible position to run a successful campaign in the next provincial election.

Ferd Longo has been a Liberal since he was 14. He has deep roots in GTA East, having started as the Regional Coordinator for Durham in the Ontario Young Liberals.

Ferd has served on many provincial and federal riding associations in the eastern GTA, including both Oshawa and Durham. He has also served as the Executive Director for the Liberal Party of Canada, Ontario.

Before being appointed Regional Vice President, GTA East, Ferd was the President of the Durham Provincial Liberal Association. In his new role, Ferd hopes that he can work with riding associations in GTA East towards their best ever showing in the next provincial election.

Justin and Ferd join a strong team on Executive Council that includes:

Brian Johns—President

Peter Curtis—Executive Vice President

Tim Shortill—Treasurer

Ryan Singh—Secretary

Vince Borg—Past President

Damien O’Brien—Operational Vice President (Policy)

Pierre Cyr—Operational Vice President (Organization)

Patricia Favre—Operational Vice President (Communications)

Omar Khan—Operational Vice President (Engagement)

Roger Martin—Regional Vice President (Eastern)

Li Koo—Regional Vice President (GTA Central)

Matt Gunning—Regional Vice President (GTA North)

Tay Butt—Regional Vice President (Northern)

Jacqueline Choquette—Regional Vice President (Ottawa)

Ferd Longo—Regional Vice President (GTA East)

Justin Falconer—Regional Vice President (Southwest)

Roland Tanner—Regional Vice President (Golden Horseshoe)

Ian Hall—Ontario Young Liberals President

Cristina Taglione—Ontario Liberal Women’s Commission President


To be connected with a member of Executive Council, you can call 416-961-3800.

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