Premier Ford Needs to Open the Books

QUEEN’S PARK – Yesterday, the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario released his report regarding the Ford Government’s $8.3 Billion cash-for-your-land scheme. Much like the Auditor General’s report, the Commissioner’s report describes missing cell phones, documents, emails and text messages.

“The Commissioner’s 166-page report raises more questions than it answers and describes the process used by the Ford Government to remove lands from the Greenbelt as one marked by deception,” said MPP John Fraser, Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. “The Premier needs to open the books and be transparent with Ontarians.”

Ontario Liberals have written to the Chair of The Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy to request a meeting next week to begin the process of interviewing those involved and to request that all pertinent documents be provided to the committee.

Premier Ford must also waive all Cabinet Privilege as it relates to the Greenbelt land swaps. The Premier has the power to do so, and Ontarians deserve answers.

Ontario Liberals continue to call for Minister Steve Clark to resign. Minister Clark breached the Member’s Integrity Act and acted in bad faith when he brought and supported this proposal to Cabinet.

He must step aside, or the Premier must remove him from Cabinet.

“It is simply not believable that one political staffer was the sole mastermind behind this $8.3 Billion scheme,” continued MPP Fraser. “The more I see and read, makes me believe all roads lead back to the Premier and his office.”

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