Parents need more time

“Today, many parents are being asked to tell school boards whether or not their kids will be returning to school in the fall for in-person learning. But given the chaos and uncertainty in the system and the failings of Doug Ford’s plan, it’s clear that parents need more time. I’m asking Doug Ford to extend the time parents have been given to make this choice.”

“I know our struggles are exactly what all Ontario parents are going through. It feels like we’ve been left with no good options. It feels like we’re working with very little information.

“Take Toronto, for example. Parents only recently learned the government would make investments in HVAC – but have received no guarantee that equipment will be up and running quickly. The Toronto District School Board has had its plan for both elementary and secondary turned down by the Ministry. With no plan approved, parents in Toronto have no way to make an informed decision.”

“Doug Ford’s inaction has led to confusion, chaos and panic all across the province. We need delays because Doug Ford took a bad situation and made it worse. Doug Ford isn’t responsible for the pandemic – but he is directly responsible for the chaos in our school system.”

“Ford keeps changing his plan and then demanding school boards to bend over backwards. It means reopening plans have been ripped up over and over. Not once has the government given boards clarity or proper funding.”

“Everybody needs more time. Boards need more time to put plans together. And parents need time to review approved plans so they can make the best decision for their family.”


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