Ontario Liberals to Continue Fight Against Conservative Greenbelt and For-Profit Healthcare Schemes

QUEEN’S PARK – With the return of the Legislature next week, the Ontario Liberal Caucus is ready to continue holding Doug Ford and his Conservative government to account. MPP John Fraser, Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, has issued the following statement:

“We are ready to fight Doug Ford’s plan to undermine our publicly funded healthcare system. Whether it’s the expansion of profiteering or the unregulated staffing agencies that are gouging our hospitals and long-term care homes, we will continue our fight to protect public healthcare in Ontario.

“Ontarians also need to have trust in their government. They need to know their government is looking out for them, not just looking out for the interests of the well-connected. Doug Ford’s carving of the People’s Greenbelt has the strong stench of insider trading, and Ontario Liberals will work with other opposition parties in the Legislature to discover the truth about who got advance notice of Doug Ford’s Greenbelt Giveaway.

“And while the Ford Conservatives are busy taking care of their friends and well-connected insiders, families are struggling to put food on the table. Whether it’s their grocery bill, their hydro bill or their gas bill, the cost of everyday life is causing hardship for too many Ontarians. Ontario Liberals will fight for solutions that will help ease the pressures Ontario families are facing, like raising the Ontario Child Tax Benefit by $50 per month.” 

Tay Valley Township Reeve and Community Leader Rob Rainer Nominated as Candidate in Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston

TAY VALLEY, ON – Rob Rainer, Reeve of Tay Valley Township and has led numerous not-for-profit organizations, has been officially…

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Ford Resorts to Lying about Crombie

TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Liberal Press Office today released the following statement: “Doug Ford is running scared and resorting…

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Ontario Families Pay $1,000,000,000 to Doug Ford’s Buddies

TORONTO, ON — Today, Doug Ford locked in his $1,000,000,000 government hand-out to multinational brewers, big grocers, and international convenience…

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