MPP Shamji Sends Letter to Minister Calandra Urging Ford Conservatives to Be Bold on Housing

QUEEN’S PARK – This morning, Ontario Liberal Critic for Housing, MPP Adil Shamji, sent a letter to Minister Paul Calandra, slamming the Conservatives for their inaction on getting homes built, and urging them to get serious about tackling Ontario’s housing crisis head-on.  

“Amidst a generational crisis that has left everyday Ontarians with bleak prospects of ever affording a home, Ford’s Conservatives have shown a lack of ambition to address the housing shortage, opting for small-ball measures that only cut around the edges. Their most recent Bill 185 misses the mark entirely, and leaves the dream of home ownership further out of reach. That is unacceptable. This situation demands bold and decisive action. It requires ambitious and innovative solutions leveraging any and all tools at our disposal.”

— Dr. Adil Shamji, Ontario Liberal Critic for Housing

Today’s letter sent by MPP Shamji lists a number of sensible solutions — from building affordable housing on surplus provincial lands to tax changes to supporting diverse options for home buyers such as Halal mortgages — to increase the supply of all types of homes in Ontario. 

“Our Ontario Liberal caucus, under the leadership of Bonnie Crombie, is determined to be the voice of reason, compassion, and bold ideas. We are asking the Ford Conservatives to show the same leadership and courage for the sake of all Ontarians caught in this housing crisis, and we urge them to act decisively and advance an agenda of abundant housing that can create more homes, safer communities, and greater economic productivity in our province.”

— Dr. Adil Shamji, Ontario Liberal Critic for Housing

Independent investigation launched into Doug Ford’s sketchy boozedoggle

TORONTO, ON — In response to an Ontario Liberal request, the Financial Accountability Officer is launching an investigation into Ford’s…

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Tay Valley Township Reeve and Community Leader Rob Rainer Nominated as Candidate in Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston

TAY VALLEY, ON – Rob Rainer, Reeve of Tay Valley Township and has led numerous not-for-profit organizations, has been officially…

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Ford Resorts to Lying about Crombie

TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Liberal Press Office today released the following statement: “Doug Ford is running scared and resorting…

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