Michael Coteau puts Right to Repair on provincial agenda

Liberal MPP introduces Private Member’s Bill to help consumers

QUEEN’S PARK—Michael Coteau, MPP for Don Valley East, today unveiled a Private Member’s Bill that, if passed, will ensure every consumer benefits from a Right to Repair.

“We have all been there and felt the frustration when we crack the screen on our smartphone or when we accidentally spill water on our electronic device causing various malfunctions,” said Coteau. “What is even more frustrating is the realization we do not have the Right to Repair our damaged devices, as many manufacturers today make it nearly impossible for consumers repair products for a reasonable price.”

Right to Repair legislation seeks to allow consumers the ability to repair their electronic devices for a reasonable price through any qualified vendor. Similar legislation is currently working its way through 18 state legislatures across the United States, including California, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. If passed, these policies will one day free consumers from manufacture-induced roadblocks.

Michael Coteau is bringing this needed debate to Canada with his Private Member’s Bill today.

Coteau argued, “I strongly believe that when you buy a product such as a phone that costs you a lot of money, you should have the ability to have that device repaired in a reasonable way, without being at the mercy of the manufacturer.”

He added, “Repairing and reusing electronics in this way not only helps the consumer’s pocketbook, but is also good for our environment by reducing needless waste, and for helping stimulate our local economies by servicing our products at local, independent repair shops.”

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