Given the new financial measures being implemented by OLP Executive Council, the Executive Council is further reviewing all revenue streams as the party transitions to a model of sustainable individual giving.
The OLP charges a membership fee to any persons wishing to join the party. That money is specifically directed to the operations of the party.
While OLP recognizes the opportunity to end membership fees with newly implemented financial controls, it also recognizes that additional operational expenses will be incurred with moving into a time period of electing a new leader for the party.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT OLP will eliminate the existence of one-year memberships. All other multi-year memberships will remain available under the existing model.
FURTHER, OLP will help foster a focus of online memberships being the primary enlistment method.
FURTHER, OLP will revisit membership fees with the new financial measures having been in place, to explore the opportunity of free membership by no later than September 2020.
FURTHER, OLP will equally split all revenue generated from the sale of a membership with the home PLA, during this time period of review to explore the opportunity of free membership by no later than September 2020.
FURTHER, for PLA’s that have outstanding financial obligations with OLP, the revenue generated from the membership sale split, will be applied against the outstanding commitment. PLA’s that are in good financial standing will have the membership revenue split reconciled in the same time period as ABC reconciliation.