Logos and Branding
By using the assets below, you and your team can create communications materials that will help us present a unified brand.
For further guidelines on how to apply the logos and branding in specific communications materials, please contact Aidan Thompson, Manager of Digital Communications, at athompson@ontarioliberal.ca.
Brand Standards
Brand Standards manual covers the basic guidelines for the Ontario Liberal identity, and provides a summary of the primary features and applications of the graphic identity.
Please stay tuned as the Brand Standards manual will be available soon.
If you have any questions regarding brand implementation in the interim, please contact Aidan Thompson, Manager of Digital Communications, at athompson@ontarioliberal.ca.
Primary Logo
Cardinal Red Wordmark PNG Cardinal Red Wordmark EPS
White Wordmark PNG White Wordmark EPS
Cardinal Red Bilingual Wordmark PNG Cardinal Red Bilingual Wordmark EPS
White Bilingual Wordmark PNG White Bilingual Wordmark EPS
Maple Bilingual Wordmark PNG Maple Bilingual Wordmark EPS
Black Bilingual Wordmark PNG Black Bilingual Wordmark EPS
Secondary Logo
Cardinal Red I Ontario PNG Cardinal Red I
Ontario EPS
Maple I Ontario PNG Maple I
Ontario EPS
White I Ontario PNG White I
Ontario EPS
Steel I Ontario PNG Steel I
Ontario EPS
Print Assets
The official typefaces of the Ontario Liberal Party are Galano Grotesque and Galano Grotesque Alternate. These typefaces should be used exclusively in all branding and communications materials.
Download the Galano Grotesque Font Family