Letter From Steven Del Duca To Premier Ford On The Vaccine Rollout

Hon. Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON M7A 1A1

Dear Premier Ford,

I am writing today to express the support of Ontario Liberals to work cooperatively on enabling legislation that might be required for vaccine distribution and reporting in Ontario. 

We want to work together to ensure a transparent, equitable and smooth vaccine rollout across Ontario. In addition, given the unanimous support of MPP Fraser’s motion on Tuesday, we want to ensure that bi-weekly reporting of key statistics and monthly committee appearances can be implemented.

Waiting until the return of the Legislature in February isn’t an option if it will mean any delay to the vaccine rollout, public reporting or distribution. 

In order to ensure opposition politicians can offer ideas to assist with the rollout, I am also requesting you resume the Team Ontario meetings starting as soon as possible.

We all share one goal when it comes to this – ensuring the vaccine rollout is as effective as possible to end this pandemic.

I look forward to discussing these measures further.



Steven Del Duca
Ontario Liberal Party

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