Thursday Phone Banking: Welcoming Volunteers

Virtual Virtual

Thursday, September 17, 2020

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM


Please join us for this weekly event to make calls to newly signed up volunteers to welcome them and tell them about upcoming events.

This week and the next few we will especially be focusing on signing up volunteers to help with our Day of Action on September 26th, during which we will be asking volunteers to call Party members all over the province to check in with them and to engage them as we gear up for the 2022 election.

The usual format:
6pm Zoom video call to review the script and objectives
6:15 (roughly) We individually make calls to new volunteers using Liberalist software
8pm Reconvene on Zoom to share successes, questions, glitches, etc and sometimes get a little chatty about politics (this is my favourite part of the evening, and is totally optional)

It is set up as a recurring meeting in Zoom, so the meeting code remains the same each Thursday.

You can register for the Zoom calls here, and use the drop-down menu to select the date you want register for.  Advance registration isn’t necessary but it is helpful so I know how many people to expect and so that you get a reminder from Zoom about the event.

Mandy Moore
Manager, Volunteer Mobilization
Ontario Liberal Party
[email protected]