A Pink Tea with Mary-Margaret McMahon and Frances Wright of Famous 5 Foundation

Julienne's Patisserie 2195 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON M4E 2C6

Sunday, February 23, 2025

2:30 PM

Join Mary-Margaret McMahon and Frances Wright, CEO of the Famous 5 Foundation, to celebrate Mary-Margaret McMahon’s successful Bill 211: Persons Day Act, 2024 to proclaim October 18 as Persons Day in Ontario!

On October 18, 1929, five courageous Canadian women succeeded in having the word “persons” defined as always meaning both women and men. This decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of Great Britain, Canada’s highest court of appeal at the time, delivered the first significant legal declaration that men and women are equal.

“I am so proud to have made Herstory this past December when I had my first Provincial Legislation passed, Bill 211: Persons Day Act, which proclaims October 18 each year as Persons Day in Ontario!” said McMahon.

This event will include an afternoon tea and talk from Frances Wright about the history of the Famous 5 case! While everyone is welcome, it is primarily a women’s networking opportunity and to support women like Mary-Margaret McMahon in politics!

Capacity is limited to 45 attendees.


This event is authorized by the CFO of Beaches—East York. The proceeds of this event will benefit the Beaches—East York PLA. A tax receipt will be issued for the ticket price less the cost of your participation in the event. That net amount is eligible for a provincial tax receipt.