Del Duca Makes Statement on the Passing of Stuart Smith

TORONTO – Steven Del Duca, Ontario Liberal Party Leader, made the following statement:

I was saddened to hear of the passing of our former Liberal Leader, Stuart Lyon Smith.

Stuart was a kind and generous man who mentored countless others.

It was under his leadership that the Ontario Liberal Party laid down roots in urban Ontario – work that has resonated for decades afterwards.

He was our first Jewish leader and a man of great intellect.

Stuart leaves a lasting legacy for our party. He carried us through tough times.

My condolences go out to his family and friends.

We will miss him.

Tay Valley Township Reeve and Community Leader Rob Rainer Nominated as Candidate in Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston

TAY VALLEY, ON – Rob Rainer, Reeve of Tay Valley Township and has led numerous not-for-profit organizations, has been officially…

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Ford Resorts to Lying about Crombie

TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Liberal Press Office today released the following statement: “Doug Ford is running scared and resorting…

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Ontario Families Pay $1,000,000,000 to Doug Ford’s Buddies

TORONTO, ON — Today, Doug Ford locked in his $1,000,000,000 government hand-out to multinational brewers, big grocers, and international convenience…

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