Del Duca Letter to Ford: Hold Virtual Question Period

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hon. Doug Ford

Premier of Ontario

Legislative Building

Queen’s Park

Toronto ON M7A 1A1


Dear Premier Ford,

As you know, our Liberal caucus has been working constructively with the Government House Leader to ensure speedy passage of emergency orders. And we are pleased that the Legislature
will return next week.

That being said, I think it is vital for Question Period to be held both in-person and virtually – not only so that the government can properly be held to account, but so that MPPs from all parties
can participate, both safely and more easily, regardless of where their riding is.

Your government wisely allowed municipalities the ability to conduct their business virtually. I think this was a great idea and one that the provincial government should embrace. Right now,
students across Ontario are learning virtually, people are working virtually and Standing Committees will be meeting virtually.

The federal government has held sittings online – it’s time for the province of Ontario to follow suit.

We would suggest four question periods be held every week: two virtually and two in person.

This would allow for safe participation for MPPs representing all regions of Ontario.

I look forward to your response.


Steven Del Duca
Leader, Ontario Liberal Party

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