Bonnie Crombie Announces Housing Panel

TORONTO, ON — Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals, today announced the second in a series of expert policy panels to lead consultations to form the Liberals’ election platform. 

“Doug Ford’s Conservatives aren’t serious about building the housing Ontario needs. Instead, they’re looking out for their rich NIMBY friends and well-connected insiders.

Ontario’s Liberals have always been builders, and we will form a housing plan that works for you, so the next generation has the same shot at the Ontario dream of homeownership as their parents and grandparents.”

— Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals

The Housing Panel will be led by several stalwart leaders who will work with community groups, stakeholders, and housing experts:

  • Dr Adil Shamji (Chair) | MPP, Don Valley East & Ontario Liberal Critic for Housing
  • Alvin Tedjo | Councillor (Ward 2), City of Mississauga 
  • Sue Chen | Director, Development & Investments at Tenblock; Lawyer (Osgoode ’16); Planner (Harvard ’23)
  • Eric Lombardi | Founder, More Neighbours Toronto

“New housing builds in Ontario are down, rental costs are soaring, Ford has slashed money for municipalities trying to build affordable housing, and when given the choice, he chose his billion-dollar booze boondoggle rather than building nearly 8,000 new affordable housing units for Ontario families.

The Ford Conservatives are leaving the dream of home ownership further out of reach. That is unacceptable. This situation demands bold and decisive action, and Ontario’s Liberals are ready to put forward ambitious and innovative solutions to build the housing Ontario needs.”

— Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals

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Bonnie Crombie Announces Housing Panel

TORONTO, ON — Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals, today announced the second in a series of expert policy panels…

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