Ontario’s Liberals Ready to Take on Ford’s Conservatives

LONDON, ON – Today, at the Ontario Liberal Party’s (OLP) Annual Meeting and Policy Conference, Leader Bonnie Crombie presented her vision to bring back a government that you can trust—one that will protect public healthcare, fix our education system, and deliver more for you.

“Ontario should be a place where everyone can get ahead. Whether you came here two years, ten years, or hundred years or are indigenous to this land.

It’s simple. But it’s not easy.

Ever since Doug Ford and his rich friends got their hands on Ontario, things have been getting worse and worse.”

— Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals

This weekend, in policy discussions meant to guide the Ontario Liberals’ next election platform, party members made it clear that Ontario’s Liberals will focus on rebuilding our province from the damage done by Ford and his rich buddies, and regaining the trust of Ontario families.

“The only people in Ontario getting ahead are Doug Ford’s rich friends and cozy insiders.

He’s so obsessed with shortcuts, handouts and patronage appointments that he’s completely lost sight of what actually matters: you.

It’s time for a government that does less for them, and more for you.

Together, we are going to fight for you, to earn back trust, and earn every vote. We are going to fight for what matters.

Stop the giveaways. Stop the sell-off of Ontario to the highest bidder. And kick the insiders out of Queen’s Park!”

— Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals

MPP and Former School Board Trustee Lucille Collard Nominated as Ontario Liberal Candidate in Ottawa—Vanier

OTTAWA, ON – Lucille Collard, MPP for Ottawa—Vanier and Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) critic for Justice Issues and Francophone Issues,…

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Ontario’s Liberals Ready to Take on Ford’s Conservatives

LONDON, ON – Today, at the Ontario Liberal Party’s (OLP) Annual Meeting and Policy Conference, Leader Bonnie Crombie presented her…

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Booze, Bike Lanes, and Buddies

TORONTO, ON — Today, Doug Ford, revealed his latest obsession: bike lanes. This follows a summer of handouts to Conservative…

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