Crombie Calls for LCBO Chair to Resign Over Close Ties to Doug Ford

TORONTO, ON – Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals, released the following statement:

“It has become clear that the LCBO Board is no longer working in the best interests of the people of Ontario, and is instead focused on advancing Doug Ford’s personal political agenda. It’s no wonder why.

“Doug Ford handpicked the Board of the LCBO, stacking it with Conservative insiders, and close personal friends. Just look at the Chair, Carmine Nigro.

“Mr. Nigro is a close personal friend of Doug Ford. He has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the PCs, and was previously a Vice-President of the party. To make matters worse, his company, CRAFT Developments, is a frequent partner of Loblaws and Walmart – who stand to make a killing from Doug Ford’s billion-dollar boozedoggle.

“Mr. Nigro was also handpicked to be Doug Ford’s Chair of the Ontario Place Corporation, and sits on the Board of Directors for Invest Ontario.

“And Mr. Nigro isn’t alone. The Vice-Chair of the LCBO, Quinto Annibale, is also a Ford Government insider, with thousands in donations, and was linked to an advertising campaign attacking Ontario teachers. 

“With Doug Ford, it’s always about cronyism, catering to his rich, well-connected insiders at the expense of Ontario families. 

“Ford’s handpicked cronies can’t be trusted on this billion-dollar boozedoggle, which will benefit wealthy corporations, at the expense of Ontario families. It is just another example of Doug Ford’s cycle of cronyism, helping his rich friends get richer.

“It’s time for Doug Ford’s cronies to go, starting with the Chair of the LCBO, so that we can get back to the issues that actually matter to Ontario families.”

Crombie Calls for LCBO Chair to Resign Over Close Ties to Doug Ford

TORONTO, ON – Bonnie Crombie, Leader of Ontario’s Liberals, released the following statement: “It has become clear that the LCBO…

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Local Champion Mary-Margaret McMahon Nominated as Ontario Liberal Candidate in Beaches—East York

TORONTO, ON – Mary-Margaret McMahon, MPP for Beaches—East York and Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) critic for Environment and Climate Change,…

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Q2 Fundraising Results Continue Ontario Liberal Momentum

TORONTO, ON – Since Bonnie Crombie became leader, Ontario’s Liberals have raised nearly $3 million from over 10,000 unique donors…

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